Thank you for your interest
We’re so excited to learn more
about your work

Be sure to check your inbox and accept the subscription. We will contact you within 48 hours

Your Welcome email will include a link to the
upcoming Q&A Sessions for Vendor applicants

Frequently Asked Questions

Vendors that work best at Savile need to be proactive

Those vendors that are actively managing their space with regular refreshes and updates often do really well. We also recommend that you make your space interesting with various artificats such as (plastic) greenery, different levels, or something that will draw the eye to your spot.

Do you have online tools that allow me to manage my sales and inventory?

Yes, we will be using RicoConsign for our vendors. This is an award-winning software that will allow you to discover which inventory is selling like hot-cakes, when inventory is running low, as well as reports that show you how well your business is running.

How will you pay vendors? And how frequently?

We will be paying our vendor via e-transfer every two weeks. Cut-off periods for your payout amount are bi-weekly and end every second Friday.


Savile Studio and Market does not permit sharing selling spaces in our markets. If you’d like to sell in our store at the same time as a friend or creative partner, we encourage you to both apply and we can try to put your spaces close together.